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Jan 26, 2006

Gaultier For Madonna


She is doing it again boys!  She getting ready for another tour!!!  Gaultier will be on hand again.  Read on the latest news from her website:

PARIS- Madonna, absent from fashion front row for years, unleashed pandemonium at the couture shows here Wednesday afternoon when she arrived at Jean Paul Gaultier.

The paparazzi surged dangerously, with camera crews sneaking in between the rows to get footage of the pop superstar. Dressed all in black with wraparound sunglasses, Madonna told WWD, "Gaultier is going to design the costumes for my next show. We are going to discuss the details tomorrow."

Once her bodyguards cleared the runway, Madonna jumped from her seat to greet French photographer Jean-Baptiste Mondino before the show. As it turns out, the queen of pop is quite the polyglot, finding time to exchange a few words in Spanish with her front-row neighbor, flamenco dancer Joachim Cortez.

Gaultier is also designing costumes for Cortez and his 17 musicians for his upcoming Paris show dubbed My Loneliness. After Gaultiers Greek-themed confections exited the runway, Madonna exited with her entourage, with camera crews trailing aggressively, getting into tussles with editors also eager for a look at the celebrity.

(courtesy Madonna.com)


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