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Sep 29, 2005

Oh The Horror!

And the gay slasher flick trend continues...

This time, it's SCAB.  The tag line? Vampires. Lube. Loathing.


Upon reading the story plot, I'm a bit perturbed by the verbage they use.  It reads less like a movie and more like bareback porn.  Here is a sample:

  • West Hollywood. 2:40 AM. Ajay and a one-night stand swap spit. But instead of using Ajay's hole, the one-night stand makes new ones of his own. Left with a bug no antibiotic can quell, Ajay slips off the radar and into a sloppy quest for food. After several days of incommunicado, Teague (the requisite geek who unrequitedly loves Ajay) and Floor (a straight-boy friend), check in on Ajay. Ajay looks like warmed-over death. Ajay uses Teague's sympathy to drag him and Floor to Las Vegas (and away from an excessively sloppy kill).


SCAB looks interesting enough and as campy and ridiculous as it was, I enjoyed Hellbent.  Let's hope this one does better at the box office.

Watch The Trailer Here.


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Thanks for putting up our film's info! I hope we don't dissapoint...we know there are plenty of critics out there waiting to ravage!

If any of you are in D.C. for the Reel Affirmations G&L Film Festival, "Scab" premieres Oct. 21st. In Chicago November 6th at the Chicago Reeling G&L Film Festival.

Theatrical/Video to follow.

Arik Treston
Producer, "Scab"
Standing Room Pictures, LLC

WOW, i FELT THE SAME THING AS U WHILE READING THE PLOT. it´s weird they used that gross vocabulary

I wish I could dowmnload it soon, these kind of movies never get to Argentina...
great site!
Ian, a Handicapped Bitch in Recovery.

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